Kia Ora bloggers, Happy Friday lately me and my friends Amy Siara and Georgie have been working on body scrub and lip scrubs Take a look at our photo below. Question: would you buy our products? blog you later bloggers
Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Friday, December 3, 2021
The money counter
Kia ora bloggers over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about kiwi inventors. This week we have had the opportunity to start building and designing our product me Amy Siara and Georgie have made a money counter this is a fun task to do. we had some options on how we can present the options were Minecraft tinker or build it with card string lots of things. I hope you like our slide below source: Slide
Question: Do you know a kiwi innovator
Friday, November 26, 2021
Kia ora bloggers this week I have been doing patterns and working out problems the slide below shows all the problems and all the patterns I have worked on, On slide five, is a link with my other slide that has the answers take a look, and please comment some feedback and blog you later.
Question: Do you like number patterns or shape patterns?
Friday, November 5, 2021
Kiwi Innovators
Kia ora bloggers this week we have started our Kiwi Innovators in this task you have lots of different tasks and questions, The ones that I have done is Easiyo which is yoghurt. And Jetboats this was a fun and interesting to do take a look at my slide below. Question:If you could make a yoghurt brand what would it be and what would you call it? Blog you later bloggers
Friday, October 29, 2021
Hey Bloggers its finally Friday, Hope you all have had a good week ,Anyways this week we have been doing Transformations in maths this was a very fun and interesting task to do. Take a look at my Transformation slide, my Sources that I used were Slides. Question: what is the different between Reflection and rotation? blog you later bloggers.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Interesting Ireland🇨🇮
Kia Ora bloggers where finally back at school i have really enjoys getting to see all my friends an catching up anyways lets talk about work. This week i have been learning lot an cultuars. At school on Friday 22 of October we will be cultural diversity day that is a day where we talk about our ancestors in cultures.Go check out my slide ,but I still haven't finished it yet Blog you later
Soure: internet ,Google slides
Friday, October 1, 2021
Chance and Probability
Hey bloggers this week I have been focusing on chance and probability. I really enjoyed working on this task in maths, I liked the tasks and how it always asked a question like one was What is a event that is impossible to happens this week? check out the slide and see if you can figure out the questions
Friday, September 24, 2021
preserving food
Hey blogger's this week I have been working on this preserving food slide with some of my friends we have been looking at Are bugs safe to eat and ways to preserve food. some ways are Canning food , Salting food , Freezing , Drying food and Adding chemicals to food if you want to find out more ways check out the slide below.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Fun fliping fraction
Hey blogger this week I will be posting my Fractions this was one of the thing I had to do in lock down this was actually really fun to do I really enjoyed doing this Fraction slide. Have a look at the slide below and see the work I have completed in lock down
Friday, September 3, 2021
Powerful problems
Hey blogger's this week we are going to stop doing fractions for a little bit and hop into Problem solving this means the teacher will give us a slide with some question's on it to solve. We do two question one easy and on a little tricky then after that we do are time tables.
Friday, August 27, 2021
freaky fun fractions
Hey blogger this week we are still in lock down but that doesn't stop us from doing work so this week in maths I have been doing work on fractions. In this slide we had to work out who has more little hard to explain if you have a look at this slide you will probably understand.
Friday, August 20, 2021
Steep Scary story
Hey bloggers this week in lock down we always start literacy by writing a story I am very proud with this story I have wrote. I only had five ,minutes to write it so i am very proud i really hope you like it as well.
Blog you later Question: Do you like writing story?
Friday, August 6, 2021
Mighty Mountains 3000
Friday, July 2, 2021
307 Stop Animal testing
Friday, June 25, 2021
Olivia 102
Hey Bloggers this week i made this report. It is on Olivia Rodrigo she is a 18 year old girl who is a American Disney star. She has made so many amazing songs her one that made you go crazy was drivers licence and her song are about Sabrina Carpender and Joshua basset please click on the doc to read more
This was really fun to do and i still haven't finished i will put it on a site an show you when i am finished i might of spelled some things wrong and if i did please tell me Question: Have you heard one of Olivia songs
Friday, June 18, 2021
Royal Report
Hey Bloggers this week in have finished my Report. This Report is on Paris Goebel and the Royal family its says her Paris Goebels family and a lot more it says the royal family's director and how many awards they have won if you would like to see more check out my doc Hope you like it.
This was one of my favourite reports one of my favourite reports I have done i loved learning about Paris Goebel and the Royal family and ya Blog you later Question:DO you no what royal family i am talking about?
Friday, June 11, 2021
Parris Goebel 101
Hey Bloggers this week in literacy i have been starting to do a report on Paris Goebel. Here is a slide and some information that I will be using for my report and I will be showing you my report once I have finished it. Please take a look at my slide.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Thing or Fing 3000
Hey bloggers this week in literacy i have been doing this Fing slide because my teacher has been reading the book named Fing by David Walliams this is my new favourite book and that's mostly what i want to say right now here is my slide.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
mathematics 309
Friday, May 21, 2021
Pink Shirt Day 101
Friday, May 14, 2021
Measurement 101
Friday, May 7, 2021
Anzac slide...
Hey bloggers
This week we talked about Anzac because in the school holidays it was Anzac and stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps. Please look at this slide that I have made, I hope you like it!
I really liked how we made the wreath it was fun.
Question: How do you celebrate Anzac Day?
Monday, March 29, 2021
Friday, March 26, 2021
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Lazer tag
Hey blogger today me and my friend bree went looking for some info about lazer tag here is a slide About lazer tag and a video on how to play lazer tag
Hope you liked it Question: Do you like my work i did today and is here any word's i spelt wrong? BYE!
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
cc blog